GU_RefreshWindow -- Redraw bevel boxes and gadgets in a window.

	GU_RefreshWindow(window, gad_info)
	                 A0      A1

	VOID GU_RefreshWindow(struct Window *, APTR);

	Perform the initial refresh of all the GadTools gadgets you have
	created. After you have opened your window, you must call this
	function. Or, if you have opened your window without gadgets,
	you add the gadgets with intuition/AddGList(), refresh them using
	intuition/RefreshGList(), then call this function. You should not
	need this function at other times.

	This function differs from the gadtools/GT_RefreshWindow(), in that
	is also renders all bevelbox kind gadgets. If NULL is given in
	gad_info, no boxes will be rendered, and this function will work
	exactly as the GT_RefreshWindow().

	window - pointer to the window containing GadTools gadgets.

	gad_info - the value returned from GU_LayoutGadgetsA(), or NULL.

	GU_RefreshBoxes(), GU_UpdateProgress()

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